Sunday, April 29, 2012

After Iona, Goodbye to Kate

April 24-25:   After Iona it was time for Kate to get back to London, so we saw her off from Oban on the bus to Glasgow, to catch the train back to her home.  We are missing her cheery, informative banter and energy. See you back in London, Kate.

We went southward to see Dunadd Fort, another site where ancient Scotti and Pictish kings may have been coronated. I'll upload our photos of the trail to the top where a stone holds footprint and basin. If you insert your foot there, you are king for the moment.

If the shoe fits....

Coronation Basin...leave your alms, please.

King for a Day

Macbear and Abear loved scrambling about the fort.

Just how many kings, forts, castles and important stones can one small country have?

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